Challange: Use the roof to create an outdoor space where the children in this Child Center come into contact with nature. And make sure that the water that falls on the roofs can be cleverly retained so that the garden benefits from this.

Result: A beautiful roof garden around a greenhouse, with a polder roof that serves as ‘groundwater’ for planting. In the garden there is a great diversity of perennials and shrubs that attract insects. These also nest among the tree trunks and in the insect hotels, while birds house themselves in the nest boxes, use grasses and twigs from the roof for their nests and quench their thirst in the water bowls.

The smart technology on the polder roofs ensures that we can retain the water, but let it run slowly when a new shower is expected. In this way, we relieve the sewers and ensure that we make maximum use of rainwater as a raw material. We also retain water on the higher roofs. If the garden needs more, we can use this water for this.

In addition to the polder roofs, the sloping shed roofs are also provided with greenery and we will allow the facades to grow full with a diversity of climbing plants in the coming years.

A wonderful example of a nature-inclusive building, where a new urban generation of children is stimulated to connect with nature.

Products: Polder roofs, specific roof garden substrates tailored to biodiverse planting, smart polder roof technology, insect hotels, water bowls, rain barrel, sloping green roofs, ground-based green facades.
Year: 2022
Client: De Stock
Architects: Valtos Architects and De Dakdokters for the garden
Location: Amsterdam

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